Firma Hakkında

Our company has a very long and very successful history. Founded in 1830 as a retailer of manufactured goods, the company capitalized on its expertise in printing obtained from the later âKattunfabrikâ, a fabric print shop, and progressed to become an international manufacturer of printing inks. The advantages of a familyrun company are still in evidence today: independence and objectivity, flexibility and competence, commitment and reliability. These are reflected in our corporate values: quality, responsibility, openmindedness, foresight and dedication. This also gives rise to the special âSiegwerk spiritâ, which forms a basis for successful collaboration with our customers â worldwide. It can rightly be argued that values alone do not give rise to success. This is true, for Siegwerk can also demonstrate practically oriented expert knowledge, highly competent advice, and the ability to think and act in a farsighted manner. This enables us to afford our partners considerable competitive advantages and to give them a significant head start. Of course, people â the âSiegwerkersâ â also make a major contribution to the difference. Fast, flexible and, above all, unbureaucratic, they help when necessary. With passion for satisfied customers A total of 5,000 employees work for our company in more than 30 national organizations. They enable us to offer our customers the best possible solution every time. And thanks to our excellent staff, we are already creating the solutions of tomorrow today. The formula âInk, Heart & Soulâ describes our everyday work. Together with our customers, we develop printing ink solutions â with âheart and soulâ. For this reason, âInk, Heart & Soulâ is much more than just a slogan, as our aim is to develop partnerships for our mutual benefit.


Katılımcı Listesi

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Ürün Grupları

Esnek Ambalajlar
KağıtKarton Ambalaj, Oluklu M
Metal Ambalaj
Baskı Mürekkepleri

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Firma Markaları

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Firma Etkinlikleri

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